Our Testimonials
At SEED, we pride ourselves on results-oriented mentorship and lifelong partnership. Through comprehensive in-class support and tailored counseling, our students learn to think independently and adapt to challenges. The lessons learned at SEED will benefit students in their collegiate pursuit and the journey beyond.
Our success stems from our true care and concern for students.

I had a great time working with SEED! They guided me through the different application essay prompts and advised me on what each college/application was looking for. They were super patient with me the whole time and helped keep me on track a lot. We went through a lot of brainstorming sessions together for my main Common App essay, and that was very helpful for me to formulate my thoughts and finally craft my essay!
V, SEED 2024 Student, accepted to Stanford University
SEED team provided awesome directions about college application. Though it was a slow start, we were able to do it in time. They provided valuable input for my son's essay writing, which I believe was the key component to his acceptance into Cal. We are very thankful for their valuable help.
V, SEED 2024 Parent, Student Accepted to UCLA
Transparent and efficient communication are very important to us. Thank you very much for giving us great advice promptly every time.
A, SEED 2024 Parent, Student Accepted to UC Davis
I started my college applications clueless about the writing process and I had no idea what a good college essay looked like. The instructors at SEED planned out in great detail what I needed to do to create the best college application revolving around my personal experiences. At first I wasn't very open to sharing all of my personal experiences but through the support of my teachers, I was able to express myself in a safe space. This experience helped me realize that the college application process is scary to think about at first but in reality, you just need to be authentic and be yourself while writing.
L, SEED 2024 Student, accepted to UC Davis
You really helped me to understand the terminology and process of applying to college, especially which schools to apply to and how to write supplemental essays for each school.
I became a lot more confident in my ability to reflect on my own life and put it into words; especially for my personal statement, you pushed me outside of my comfort zone to write creatively and vulnerably about my experiences.
I feel like you respected my experiences and that I was able to say what I wanted to and make application decisions for myself, but with helpful suggestions and advice.
Y, SEED 2023 Student, accepted to UC Berkeley EEC
I greatly appreciated the help with narrowing down my college list and learning about schools and programs that would be right for me. I felt like I improved my writing a lot, especially when it came to my personal statement. I also learned about many opportunities, which led me to internships, research, and many summer programs. I was able to explore my writing and passions more through the resources that were offered.
E, SEED 2023 Student, accepted to USC, UC Berkeley
I honestly cannot imagine what I would've done without the counselors. They are 10 out of 10! Thank you teachers for your generosity and kindness.
H, SEED 2023 Parent, student accepted to UCB, UCI nursing program
SEED teachers have incredible interpersonal skills, and my daughter worked very well with them. She was a difficult teen, especially when Covid hit. They provided a customized learning plan and effective strategies based off of my daughter’s personality and learning habits, which was a huge help. It certainly relieved her stress during the intense admission process.
Our daughter could not have been accepted to UC Berkeley and 90% of the UCs without their help. We are forever grateful from the bottom of our hearts.
M, SEED 2023 Parent, Student accepted to UC Berkeley
Working with SEED was a self-discovery journey for my son. He has learned to reflect on his strengths and areas for improvement. With better self-awareness, he can write authentic and touching essays that really reflect himself.
SEED counselors are loving, patient and trustworthy. They keep a good balance between inspiring students to do their own work and giving candid feedback/guidance. This will not only help the students with college applications, but also benefit them in the long run.
I appreciate all the counselors' guidance and hard work!
B, SEED 2023 Parent, Student accepted to UCLA CS major
SEED counselors are very knowledgeable and professional guiding my child through the whole college application. Thanks to their strategy and support, my child was accepted into his dream school.
K, SEED 2024 Parent, Student Accepted to UC Berkley EECS, UC Davis CS, UCSB CS
I am grateful to the SEED team for helping my son get into his dream university with love, patience, and encouragement. They were able to understand my son's personality in just a few conversations, guiding him to discover his desired field of study and helping him regain confidence in himself. Thank you, SEED, for continually giving us, as parents, confidence. Entrusting our child to the SEED team during the university application process reduced conflicts. We sincerely appreciate the SEED team.
L, SEED 2024 Parent, Student Accepted to University of Oregon, UC Riverside
They helped me understand how to improve my essay and the best choice for me when I'm picking a major. I became more confident as a writer after attending multiple meetings that helped improve my essay. They help me trust myself more after all. I feel respected throughout the process.
K, SEED 2024 Student, accepted to UC Riverside
I learned valuable lessons about what a college looks for in writing. I learned quite a lot about myself and I believe it helped me develop my understanding of myself. During the entire process I felt supported, even when I got stressed out. In the beginning of my experience, I was hesitant and confused about why we needed to write so many details. But towards the end, I found out that the more embedded details, the better your writing comes out to be. Spending the time writing down every detail really helped the end product.
C, SEED 2023 Student, accepted to UC Santa Cruz
The essay writing process was extremely helpful because I was able to learn the technique to approach a particular prompt. I feel more confident as a writer; I know the amount of steps and drafts that are needed to create strong essays. My perspective and passions were respected, which helped me express my future desires.
M, SEED 2023 Student, accepted to UC Berkeley, UCLA
While working with SEED, they first guided me to take courses that would support my intended major and dream school. They also encouraged me to broaden my perspective and consider other great universities that had amazing research programs and internships. As a student-athlete, SEED was also very accommodating with my schedule while still making sure I met the set deadlines.
J, SEED 2023 Student, accepted to UCLA
We are grateful that our daughter had the support and encouragement of SEED teachers on her journey to apply for college. Whenever our child had a question or needed to contact them, they were always available to assist and guide her. Even after the entire application process was over, they continued to follow up and care about our child. With the help of SEED, our daughter is admitted to seven universities and has now confirmed the school and major she will attend. We are all very happy for her and thankful for SEED's support and companionship along the way.
M, SEED 2023 Parent, student accepted to UC Santa Cruz
SEED teachers were very professional, patient and helpful throughout the whole process. We relied on their expertise, and we are very happy with the college admission outcomes.
J, SEED 2023 Parent, Student accepted to USC, UC Berkeley
Thank you for your help! Without your help, my daughter probably wouldn't have such a good result on UC admission. We really appreciate it. We will definitely use your team when it is time for my son to apply to college.
J, SEED 2023 Parent, Student accepted to UC San Diego, UC Davis